
All posts for the month July, 2014


Lookie what came in the mail last week….




There are many emotional peaks and valleys in the journey towards publication, but certainly the best high (so far, anyway) has to be holding your own flesh and blood (read: paper and ink) book in your hands… and seeing your own happy mug there on the back, in living color.



And as reports of preorder arrivals have begun to trickle in from my friends and cohorts around the globe (yes! I even have a fan across the pond! *waves*) I’m reminded again of how many people have encouraged me on this journey with their love, their facebook/blog shares, and their hard-earned dollars.  THANK YOU, everyone, for your support.

So I haven’t been sleeping very well lately (if why isn’t obvious, scroll back a few posts…) but I have spent the last few days and what brian power … er BRAIN power… I have on getting my little authorly self together.  For starters, Undoing Winter is now on Goodreads!  Please do check it out and, if you liked the book, feel free to leave a rating or a review!

For those still interested in purchasing a copy, Undoing Winter is available through Finishing Line Press.  The cost is $14 plus shipping — OR, come find me in person and buy a signed copy direct from the source! See my CALENDAR OF EVENTS for a list of upcoming appearances.

I’ll be sending out review copies soon, too, so if you’ve got an in with a publication or blog and want to help spread the love for Undoing Winter, LET ME KNOW! You can contact me here, on Facebook or through the usual channels.  I’ll get back to you with alacrity… assuming I’m not napping off the trauma of a sleepless night.