Liz Bennefeld

All posts tagged Liz Bennefeld

So if you go here, you can hear me perform my poem “Beansidhe” – a classic Irish ghost story turned tragic romance – on the SFPA’s Halloween Reading page (which I’m co-editing with poet Liz Bennefeld).

As noted on the page: “The pronoun play in “Beansidhe” can be misleading—it may be helpful to remember that not every narrator is reliable.” “Beansidhe” (the Irish spelling of “Banshee”) first appeared in Ideomancer and later my poetry chapbook, UNDOING WINTER (Finishing Line Press 2014) , which was nominated for the SFPA’s Elgin Award.

If, however, you stay here, you can listen to me, my daughter, and my cat playing with my new headset.




October is Witch Awareness Month, and did you know, the Science Fiction Poetry Association celebrates this Grand Season every year with links to members reading their Halloween-inspired poems.

My poem, ALL SOULS’ DAY, appears here, read by little ol’ me and edited/produced by the talented Justynn Tyme of Radio Active Mango Recordings.

ALL SOULS’ DAY appeared in Jack-O’-Spec: Tales of Halloween and Fantasy (Raven Electrick Ink, 2011), Spec-tacular: Fantasy Favorites by Raven Electrick Ink (2012) and the 2012 Rhysling Anthology, and was first read by the author on Write Around Here, the podcast of the Written Remains Writers Guild.

The page also features work by SFPA members David Kopaska-Merkel, David L. Summers, Adele Gardner, Dennis M. Lane and F.J. Bergmann, and is edited by Liz Bennefeld. There may be more to come, as well –  so go ahead.  Show your appreciation for the Season, fly on over, and sit with us for a spell. 


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